100 Barricas de Chile
Top Winemakers is a unique company, created to encourage a creative approach among the Chilean wine industry and to provide a space for showing and sharing the diversity among styles, valleys and varieties. Through a collective work from various Chilenan wineries, Top Winemakers achieves new, original and distinctive wines.
We were invited to collaborate on the visual communication of this project from the very beginning, designing the brand identity, packaging and brochures for each product.
"100 barricas" is a project that reunites 100 Chilean wineries in one bottle. To obtain this wine, each winery contributed with 1 barrel of Cabernet Sauvignon of the 2011 harvest without blending, according to their style and valley. This wine, "unique among all", brings together the diversity of four valleys, the oenological creativity of Chile, the ability of innovation and of working together to offer "Chile in one bottle" to the world.
Categoría — Brand Identity, Packaging, Editorial
Cliente — Top Winemakers
Año — 2013
Fotos — Juan Edwards